
Lower Makefield and Yardley Republicans

Our Local and County Endorsed Candidates for 2023

Below are the endorsed local candidates.  Please read until the end.

There two slots up for election on the LMT Board of Supervisors: Democrat Dan Grenier is running for re-election, and another Democrat who’s new to LMT is running for the open seat made available because Fred Weiss is not running for re-election.  This is a unique opportunity for Republicans to capture an open seat on the Board.

LMT Supervisor
Allen DePuy: Allen.Depuy@gmail.com
Donate to: “LMT-Yardley GOP,” John Snedeker, Treasurer.
355 Ramsey Rd., Yardley, PA. 19067
or donate online at: LMT-Yardley GOP (Supervisor)

County Offices
Not all of the candidates for county row offices or county commissioner are listed because we’re focusing on helping the two candidates who hail from the LMT-Yardley area:

County Clerk of Courts
Jeff Hall-Gale: JeffHallPA@gmail.com
Donate to: “Friends of Jeff Hall Gale,” David Sabogal, Treasurer, 2502 Brookhaven Dr., Yardley, PA 19067
or donate online at: Friends of Jeff Hall Gale

County Commissioner
Pam Van Blunk: pam4commissioner@gmail.com
Donate to: “Friends of Pam Van Blunk,” Scott Ferrante, Treasurer.  99 Dispatch Dr., Washington Crossing, PA. 18977
or donate online at: https://secure.anedot.com/pam-van-blunk/donate

Your donations will help these candidates win.  In 2023 as in 2021, the environment is ripe for Republicans to take back all row offices and commissioner slots.  But we need your support to do it!


Peter Lachance
Chair, LMT-Yardley Republican Committee